As we launch into both Safe Work and Mental Health Month there has been a large focus on Silica, the associated health and safety regulations, awareness and how to manage the risks. The WA Work Health and Safety Amendment Regulation (No.2) 2024 has been released and the provisions relating to the regulation of Silica commenced 1 September 2024.
This regulation pertains to the handling of materials containing crystalline silica across all industries, with a particular focus on processes deemed high-risk. The Silica Regulation also contains the controls for working with benchtop products that are exempt from the ban. For residential construction sites this would be a significant change for general day to day tasks such as cutting floor and wall tiles, cutting or grinding concrete, cutting or trimming bricks or roof tiles, cutting or drilling hebel, drilling into fibre cement sheeting for light fittings etc.
SafeWork Australia are still working on a Code of Practice. We hear from businesses seeking detailed guides on how specific trades are to carry out work, and how to determine what is high risk. This is a difficult phase where a law is already in place however no one knows how to carry out high risk assessments for health and air monitoring. In the first instance it’s about awareness and education.
HIA are offering virtual Silica Awareness training covering what tools and systems exist as well as where to get further information. There is lots of regulatory and management information available through the website and we will be staying abreast of this issue, feeding up-to-date information through as we receive and process it.
Silicosis is a serious condition, it can and has affected many of our friends in the industry. It is fitting that October is also Mental Health Month as we are reminded to reach out and check in on our friends and colleagues who may be affected from silicosis.
Tony Ricciardello,
Managing Director, Weststyle
President, HIA
5/103 Erindale Rd, Balcatta, WA, 6021.
PO Box 705, Balcatta, WA, 6914.
Ph: 08 9345 1565
© Copyright Weststyle 2024
Nick has been in the building industry his entire life, a career that began on the tools as a wall and floor tiler and organically moved into construction supervision. This is where his attention to detail and passion grew from being intricately involved in the creation of high quality residential construction.
Always striving to achieve the highest quality in finishes and workmanship, Nick gets satisfaction from facilitating the creation of a beautiful home from nothing but a pile of sand. A work highlight for Nick is the satisfaction in seeing the joy in Weststyle clients’ faces when their home is complete, knowing that he has been a part of building their dream home.